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´School's Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020: an Imagining Exercise on the Future of Learning`, escrito por Riel Miller, Hanne Shapiro y Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann y editado por Yves Punie, Kirsti Ala-Mutka y Christine Redecker, es el resultado de un estudio promovido por la Unión Europea y desarrollado por el IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies), uno de los siete institutos científicos de la European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Así explican sus autores el contenido de este informe:
“This report provides a visionary scenario of a 21st Century Learning-intensive Society where Learning Spaces are the next school. It is an imaginary snapshot of learning in Europe in 2020 which has been developed on the basis of a rigorous foresight approach. It presents a discontinuous model of how people learn and how what they learn is used in everyday life. The vision provokes and challenges the assumptions that currently dominate, often implicitly, the choices being made today. It includes hypothetical policy options for the imagined Learning-intensive Society Learning Spaces. The visionary scenario and the policy options that are part of it are intended to provide food for thought on the possible future of learning in Europe in 2020.
“Learning Spaces” (LS) is the term used in a report published in 2006 by the European Commission's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, “as a way to embrace a different view of future learning”. The current report moves the discussion of Learning Spaces forward. It is written by Riel Miller (www.rielmiller.com), Hanne Shapiro and Knud Erik Hilding-Hamann (www.danishtechnology.dk ) and is the result of a study commissioned by IPTS. “

Fecha publicación: 13.12.2009

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